Thursday, February 14, 2013

Rayanese Determiners and Animacy

I am considering having some of Rayanese determiners differentiate for animacy, as the 3rd person pronouns already do:

  singular plural
3p animate ko* jo
3p inanimate so ho

I have already decided to change the 3p animate singular pronoun from lo to ko.  I think it would be neat to have these pronouns double as the definite article, hence they would indicate animacy as well as gender, number and case.  In general, Rayanese nouns are ‘animate’ if they refer to a sentient being or an animal, or a fantastic/supernatural being.

The current basic list of other determiners are listed below:

indefinite article ziki
proximate “this” co
medial “that” do
distal “yon(der)” duyo
“other” moto
partitive article yo

I have added a partitive article, yo.  Now, how to make these determiners, as well as the relative and interrogative pronouns po and tho reflect animacy?  How about a suffix, –ino?

  inanimate animate
indefinite article ziki zikino/kino**
definite article*** so, ho ko, jo
partitive article yo yino
proximate det. “this” co cino
medial det. “that” do dino
distal det. “yon(der)” duyo duyino
“other” moto motino
relative pronoun po pino
interrogative pronoun tho thino

**kino being a short form for zikino.

***For the definite articles, the first article listed is singular, the second is plural.  All other forms decline normally for gender, number and case.

A couple of quick examples:

su ashabu- the car ; ku deru – the man

cu ashabu – this car ; cinu deruthis man

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Rayanese Vowel Inventory

Since I have been revising so much of Rayanese lately, I’ve been thinking about revising part of the phonology, specifically the vowel inventory.

Previously, these were the vowels:

Spelling X-Sampa
a a
e e
i i
o o
u u
ä { (American English cat)
ö 2
ü y
ï I
ë E

I want to get rid of the front rounded vowels, [2] and [y].  I will replace them with [O] and [U] but keep spelling the same.  I am undecided about a possible schwa [@].  I will also update my phonology page with some more information on diphthongs.

Saturday, February 9, 2013


Rayanese possession isn’t anything special.  Rayanese uses possessive determiners and pronouns derived from the genitive standard personal pronouns.  I did change the personal pronouns mainly to have distinct plural stems for the 3rd person forms.  Here is the new set of personal pronouns (leaving out the reflexive and reciprocal forms):

  singular plural
1st mo wo
2nd to vo
3rd animate lo jo
3rd inanimate so ho

These pronouns can change gender to agree with their antecedent, like –o adjectives. For example, to you (neuter.), tu you (masc.), ta you (fem.).

From these we derive the possessive determiners and pronouns:

  singular plural
1st mosi wosi
2nd tosi vosi
3rd animate losi josi
3rd inanimate sosi hosi

These decline like -i adjectives.

mos huz – my male twin ; mosen huzen – my female twins.

With all these updates, I should update my main conlang site!

Friday, February 8, 2013

Still working on morphology

I wonder if working on morphology is my favorite part of conlanging – I seem to spend a lot of time on it!  Anyway, I worked a bit on Rayanese verb and noun morphology.

For verbs, I decided to add several aspects, to give more information on a singular verb form.  This is what my verb aspect suffix table looks like now:

neutral -
perfect -ke
recent perfect (“just” completed action) -kay
progressive -ga
habitual -yo
prospective (“about to”) -ya
inchoative/inceptive (“start to”) -fu
cessative/terminative (“stop”) -hi
completive (“finish”) -ha

Verbs aspects are in the second suffix slot, after the optional causative suffix.  I can give an example of these aspects using the verb skat to eat in the 1sg present indicative form:

skaf I eat
skakef I have eaten
skakayf I just ate / I have just eaten
skagaf I am eating
skayof I usually eat
skayaf I am about to eat
skafuf I start to eat / I am starting to eat
skahif I stop eating
skahaf I finish eating

For noun morphology, I decided to introduce some metathesis to liven up the noun declensions just a little.  The metathesis occurs in the genitive and instrumental plural forms.  Here I’ll use the plurals of huz male twin and deru man as examples":

nominative huzar derun
accusative huzarga derungu
genitive huzazra deruznu
dative huzarja derunju
instrumental huzavra deruvnu
allative huzarba derumbu
ablative huzarda derundu
locative huzarksa derunksu

Coming up soon, how to deal with possession!

Monday, February 4, 2013

Still working on Rayanese Noun Plurals

I’m continuing to work on Rayanese noun plurals.  I have gotten to having two main noun (and adjective) declensions, one with plurals in –ar (basically nouns whose nominative singular form ends in a consonant) and one with plurals in –n (nominative singulars end in a vowel). I’ll use the nouns huz male twin and deru man to illustrate where I’ve gotten to:

Current plural forms (-ar and –n declinations respectively):

nominative huzara derunu
accusative huzarka derunku
genitive huzarsa derunsu
dative huzarca deruncu
instrumental huzarva derunvu
allative huzartsa deruntsu
ablative huzarda derundu
locative huzarksa derunksu

The consonantal suffixes that represent the non-nominative cases are unchanged from the singular forms.  I am considering voicing some of them to differentiate them a bit more from the singular form:

huz (-ar declension)

  singular plural
nominative huz huzara
accusative huzïk huzarga
genitive huzïs huzarza
dative huzïc huzarja
instrumental huzïv huzarva
allative huzïts huzardza
ablative huzïd huzarda
locative huzïks huzarksa

deru (-n declension)

  singular plural
nominative deru derunu
accusative deruk derungu
genitive derus derunzu
dative deruc derunju
instrumental deruv derunvu
allative deruts derundzu
ablative derud derundu
locative deruks derunksu

I am still not sure if I want to voice those consonants. In the future, I may also have more declensions just make the language appear less regular.

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Noun Plurals–Revised II

I posted thoughts on possible revisions to the plural forms of nouns (and adjectives) that end in vowels.  In this post, I will take a look at those that end in consonants.  I will use the masculine noun huz male twin in these examples. (Excuse the formatting.  This post is copied from another page).
Here is the current declension chart:
Case Singular Plural
nominative huz huzï
accusative huzïk huzïkum
genitive huzïs huzïsum
dative huzïc huzïcum
instrumental huzïv huzïvum
allative huzïts huzïtsum
ablative huzïd huzïdum
locative huzïks huzïksum
The current system has an epenthetic vowel -ï between the noun stem and the case endings, and then a special plural marker -um after the case marker in non-nominative cases.  I think that if I follow the pattern of the vowel declension, I should put a plural marker before the case marker and see what happens.  I think I will use a different plural marker: -ar.  For the time being, I will leave the singular declension the same.
case with -ar pl marker
nominative    huzar
accusative huzark
genitive huzars
dative huzarc*
instrumental huzarv
allative huzarts*
ablative huzard
locative huzarks*
*These versions end in illegal consonant clusters according to current phonotactics.  I can solve that problem by reduplicating the vowel of the plural marker, -a.
case with -ar pl marker
nominative    huzar
accusative huzark
genitive huzars**
dative huzarca
instrumental huzarv**
allative huzartsa
ablative huzard
locative huzarksa
**These consonant clusters are technically legal in syllable codas in Rayanese, but seeing them here, I am not sure that I care for them.  I may have to revise my phonotactics!  Or perhaps, I can let them remain legal, but rare, and have all plural forms in this declension adopt the reduplicative -a by analogy:
case with -ar pl marker
nominative    huzara
accusative huzarka
genitive huzarsa
dative huzarca
instrumental huzarva
allative huzartsa
ablative huzarda
locative huzarksa
More decisions must be made!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Plural Noun Revisions?

After receiving some feedback and doing some thinking, I am considering changing how my nouns form their plurals, mainly in non-nominative cases.  I am going to use the masculine noun deru, man, to illustrate the current declension of nouns that end in a vowel.

Case Singular Plural
nominative deru derun
accusative deruk derukum
genitive derus derusum
dative deruc derucum
instrumental deruv deruvum
allative deruts derutsum
ablative derud derudum
locative deruks deruksum

I may nix the -um and place the case marker after a plural marker -n. =>

case    plural 
nominative derun 
accusative derunk 
genitive deruns* 
dative derunc* 
instrumental derunv* 
allative derunts* 
ablative derund 
locative derunks* 
With my current phonotactics, the genitive, dative, instrumental, allative and locative plurals would end in illegal consonant clusters.  This could be solved with an epenthetic -ï [I] or by reduplicating the last vowel:

case    pl option 1 - epenthetic vowel pl option 2 - reduplication
nominative derun  derun
accusative derunk  derunk
genitive derunsï  derunsu
dative deruncï  deruncu
instrumental derunvï derunvu
allative deruntsï  deruntsu
ablative derund  derund
locative derunksï  derunksu

The second option would keep all plurals from appearing identical, at least in their surface form, although the underlying form would be -n(case ending)R where R is a reduplicated vowel.  Whichever manner I choose, I would need to decide to the leave the other forms ending in a consonant or if I would add the same vowel by analogy:

case    pl option 2 pl option 2 w/ regularity by analogy
nominative derun derunu
accusative derunk derunku
genitive derunsu derunsu
dative deruncu deruncu
instrumental derunvu derunvu
allative deruntsu deruntsu
ablative derund derundu
locative derunksu derunksu 

Even with this change, this wouldn't preclude the inclusion of other irregularities, like nouns that have some other plural marker, or nouns that use a different stem altogether in the the plural forms.  Decisions, decisions...